Tips To Help You Use Less Fat In Your Everyday Cooking !

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Submitted by: Allan Thomas
Just as you don t have to give up sweetness in your foods, you don t have to give up fats altogether. It is important, however, that you limit your intake. Cutting back begins in the kitchen, and continues at the table.
Remember that eating too much fat may have a direct effect on insulin activity in your body, causing an increase in your blood glucose level.
– Select lean cuts of meat and remove skin and fatty deposits from poultry.
– Use the absolute minimum oil or fat in cooking. If possible, don’t use any added fat at all.
– When you must use fat, use a brush to spread a thin layer of fat onto your pan, or use a cooking spray.
– Grill or roast meat on a rack to allow the fat to drip away.
– For soups and casseroles, drop meat into boiling water to seal it rather than browning it in fat or oil.
– Spread butter or margarine very thinly on bread and biscuits, or leave it off. Use ricotta, cottage cheese, a little avocado or a scrape of low-fat cream cheese as a spread instead.
– Use low fat dairy products in preference to the regular varieties.
– Use ‘no-oil’, ‘low-oil’ or ‘low joule’ (low-calorie) salad dressing instead of oily ones or mayonnaise. Better still, use lemon juice or vinegar with herbs to add zest to your salads.
– Learn to use fresh or dried herbs and spices to add flavor to food instead of butter or oil.
– Avoid adding oil or fat to vegetables during or after preparation. For instance, when you mash potato or other vegetables, don’t add butter, margarine or cream. Use low-fat milk. Wrap your vegetables in foil with herbs, or try dry baking them in the oven in their own skins.
– If you like sour cream as a vegetable dressing, use low-fat leben or cottage cheese or low-fat natural yoghurt instead.
About the Author: The author is a big fan of cooking recipes. Visit the following website for more info about health and cooking recipes.
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