Area Rug Wine Design Make Your Home Look Like A Castle

By Mikael Rieck
The area rug wine designs are like a work of art. Area rugs will give you a colorful experience and presence in a room full of furniture. You can lay an area rug on a floor that already has a carpet on it or you can put it on a floor with a hard surface like wood, tiles or even stone. The area rug can be the star of the room or just one of the many important elements when decorating a home.
When you invite friends and family over one of the first things that they will notice is the area rug on the floor of your entry. If you have a spot or maybe even a whole room in you home that is a bit dull or even boring you can change it into a beautiful and colorful place using an area rug. It will create a whole new atmosphere and will easily reflect your personal style and make the statement that you want to make – a visual statement that is.
Taste differs and you might not agree with me but personally I like the area rug wine design. Wine design to me is not that it is filled with grapes but more that the wine design is reflecting the style of the old wine yards in Europe.
Maybe your taste is contemporary, modern, tribal or traditional and you might even be into shags and textures or country styles and quilts? Whatever your style is that is just great because area rugs are meant to show the world what you are all about.
Besides these styles you might even want to decorate your home with a little geography in mind and that can be easily done too. You have Persian rugs, Chinese, Turkish and French area rugs. Hey – if you wanted to you might even be able to build the world from rugs alone.
Putting colors together can be a challenge to many and you will need to test the combination of colors of your original flooring and your new rug. This is not always easy but I can be done and I am sure you will have find while you do it.
If you find the one area rug that is a ‘must have’ all you would need to do is to redecorate the furniture and the rest of the room so that they would all match the rug. Choose the color of your area rug carefully and especially if you are thinking of redecorating the room to put it in. No need to waste time and do it all over again if it could have been avoided by planning just a little better.
If you have a room full of busy fabric patterns you might want to consider a border type area rug or a rug with a much less busy design in order to ‘slow down’ the room.
Again color is a matter of your personal taste and how busy you would want a room to appear is solely up to you.
Often it will be an easier task to find the area rug first and the pick the furniture, the wallpaper, the paint and all the other things and then have them match the area rug. This is actually the way that professional designers and decorators do it. They start with the rug.
About the Author: Mikael’s
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