Ideas To Make Money In Cash Strapped Times

- Commercial Marine Insurance Forster
By Ainsley Howard
In good times and bad times, everybody complains about not having enough money to get by. But this time, the nitpicking is for real; the economy is on its knees and people are losing their jobs by the hundreds of thousands. At this time too, nowhere have you seen the novel ideas to make money!
Creative Ideas How to Make Money
People are always stumped when deciding on a business; how do you sell to people who are hanging on to their money? Man, no matter how hard the times, people still need to eat, drink and be merry. How else can they stay sane? From this angle, brew ideas to make money and the family members to roll up their sleeves.
People are still eating. So how do you get them to open their wallets? Sell organic food, milk, eggs, pork and poultry. People are becoming health rather than pay stupendous medical bills.
They’d rather eat healthy than get sick and worry how to pay the doctor and hospital fees. You can tie up with community farms and put up your organic food mart in the neighborhood and offer discounts for bulk purchases. You might just get more ideas to make money from your customers!
Private Physical Trainer
If you are a body buff and keep up with the latest trends, advertise your business online. Get certified and get to work. You can charge a reasonable fee to visit your clients at home, check their weights, their eating habits, and design the right exercise regimen for them. Working with different people with different needs can launch more ideas to make money from this type of venture.
Love Music and Can Write?
The music industry has to sell its music to attract buyers and to survive it needs good writers to put into words why the latest album is great. You indulge in free albums and at the same time are paid to write about your passion. You do this at home too or telecommute.
Put up an online store, sell various items, auction items – are smart ideas to make money. All orders will be shipped by the company without your spending a dime on shipping fees. You get nice commissions from online orders and the more you sell on a global scale the more money you earn. All you have to do is connect buyers with suppliers and vice versa. But check out the dropship company before you put up a website.
Home Based Call Center Operator
Have you not heard yet of ideas to make money taking calls from your home? You are paid each minute you spend on the phone. You get a maximum $8 for an hour if you get enough calls. However install your phone in a sound-proofed area or you’ll get fired if reports reach the bosses there’s a baby wailing or a dog hysterically barking in the background.
Home Auctions
Make the rounds of yard sales and bag the best things around. Polish those that need polishing and mend some items. Get good shots of the goodies and publish it in your website – and auction them to the highest bidder.
Craig’s List
Check out electronics products sold cheaply in Craig’s list. The items are always in top condition. Pick them up and resell them. Sell them on eBay and watch the cash rolling in.
Need more ideas to make money? Look around the neighborhood! The opportunities are waiting for you.
About the Author: Need ideas to make money? Learn the tricks and how to make money at home or how to make money on Internet from the gurus of
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